
Coxarthrosis - degenerative disease of the hip joint - grading of osteoarthrosis (modified Kellgren and Lawrence grades)

This is an alternative grading system for degenerative disease of the hip joint - coxarthrosis. Rather than giving percentage of joint space narrowing, it preferes descriptive approach to the typical degenerative changes of the hip joint.

Grade Description
Grade I medial joint space narrowing, beginning osteophytes
Grade II inferomedial joint space narrowing, marked osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis
Grade III

Intraarticular fracture of distal radius - types by Melone

The Melone classification was first published in 1986. It divides distal radius fractures in four types. This classification is based on a concept of four major fragments including the shaft, the radial styloid process, a dorsal-medial fragment, and a palmar-medial fragment. The latter two fragments form the lunate fossa.

Type Description
I - undisplaced fractures Undisplaced or minimally displaced fracture with minimal comminution.

Fracture of distal radius - types by Frykman

The Frykman classification divides distal radius fractures in eight types. It considers involvement of the radiocarpal and radioulnar joints as well as fracture of the ulnar styloid process. Basically it contains four types (odd numbers) and four related subtypes (even numbers) with fracture of the ulnar styloid process. However, its prognostic value was disputed.

Type Radius fracture Fracture of ulnar styloid process Radiocarpal joint Radioulnar joint Description
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